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- Parkhurst, Johannesburg, Gauteng
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Company Information
- Company name: Mrs South Africa Pty Ltd T/A Mrs South Africa™
- Company Registration Number: 2012/180612/07
- Trademark Registration Number: 2014/29721
- BEE Status: Level 4 BEE Contributor
- VAT Number: 4840266243
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Cursus ultricies in maecenas pulvinar ultrices integer quam amet, semper dictumst sit interdum ut venenatis pellentesque.
Via di S. Vincenzo, 12/34A, 00123 Roma RM, Italy.
+39 123 456 7890
+39 123 456 7890
Viale Belfiore, 50, 50144 Firenze FI, Italy.
+39 123 456 7890
+39 123 456 7890
Via delle Lame, 55, 40122 Bologna BO, Italy.
+39 123 456 7890
+39 123 456 7890
S. Marco, 615, 30124 Venezia VE, Italy.
+39 123 456 7890
+39 123 456 7890
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Fermentum non quis vitae viverra ipsum eget tincidunt consequat ac velit leo, rutrum tellus augue dolor leo massa augue rhoncus pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque potenti cras arcu praesent urna a, vitae mattis pellentesque rhoncus cursus enim ac eu justo.